Find out how easily you can receive emails and faxes, or upload documents, with ShieldQ.
Select one of the following sample sites (fictional; for demo purposes only), according to your industry and follow the instructions.
Note: The demo sites illustrated represent the ShieldQ PCI service, without the usual security processes in place.
They have been created to demonstrate functionality (not administrative).

Galalagos Island Hotel

You can:
1. **Upload a sample document**. Click on the image to the left and follow the instructions. To view the document, login, using the following credentials:

Username: DemoAccount1
Password: Temp!123

2. **Fax a sample document.** Fax number:
3. Receive an email

For both these options, you can login and immediately see the documents in your queue.
      Username: DemoAccount1
      Password: Temp!123

Bacha & Con Legal Consultants

< Step 1: Go to the site and upload your sample document or fax your sample document to +44 (207) 184-9319

Step 2: Login to view your document in the "Inbox"


Username: DemoAccount2
Password: Temp!123

Riverside Hospital

Step 1: Go to the site and upload your sample document or fax the sample document to +44 (208) 497-8488

Step 2: Login to view your document in the "Inbox"


Password: Temp!123

Real estate firm

Step 1: Go to the site and upload your sample document or fax the sample document to +44 (207) 184-9278

Step 2: Login to view your document in the "Inbox"


Username: DemoAccount4
Password: Temp!123