Test for No more manual scheduling

Let both schedulers and managers access a centralized queue for faster processing

No more paper forms: accept secure data online and in time

No more paper storage: it's all in the cloud

Get up and running quickly; no training or setup required

Forms go straight to your secure storage space for easy access

HIPAA-compliant online fax acceptance and sharing takes the pain from processes


Current process: it should be easy

  1. Local doctor sends a fax to the hospital admission team, requesting a patient appointment
  2. Hospital admission team member processes the appointment, sets up the schedule and sends confirmation by return fax to the doctor
  3. Hospital dedicates one employee to manage, archive, retrieve and purge all appointments received
  4. Appointment record archived for 3 months, and then deleted

But it isn’t:

  • It’s all paper-based
  • It’s transmitted via physical fax
  • It's handled in individual queues without any backup from other employees
  • It’s submitted to the team manually, in several stages: fax retrieval/fax sending/archiving/deletion

That’s why you have:

  • Lost faxes
  • Delays in appointment processing: faxes lie on desks  
  • The high cost of dedicating one employee to process it all



The ShieldQ for Healthcare service: workflows made simple

ShieldQ for Healthcare’s secure document management and storage service was developed for practitioners to simplify appointments processing, making it fast and error free.  Using this cloud-based service, hospitals can accept, share, tag, send, store and delete faxes within a secure, HIPAA-compliant environment.



  • HIPAA-compliant, online fax environment. No more worries about security when moving from a manual, risk-ridden paper process to an efficient, effective digital environment.
  • Centralized, online fax number(s). No more lost faxes; they all arrive into the same shared queue.
  • Shared document queue. The entire team can see documents; avoid delays caused by a document "sitting on a desk."
  • No manual fax circulation. Manage all communications / distribution from a PC/mobile device --  let your fingers do the walking.
  • Receive, tag and archive documents -- all from your desk.
  • Pre-defined storage, retention and deletion policies, following HIPAA regulations.

No more paper forms: accept webforms directly into ShieldQ

Keep to schedule by managing data online

No more searching for physical documents: gain instant access

Receive data from multiple channels: faxes, emails, forms, uploads

ShieldQ by InterFAX is HIPAA compliant, and was the first Internet faxing company to be accredited as a Level 1 PCI DSS-compliant service provider. The company is dedicated to ensuring that its highly secure online services meet the world's most stringent privacy and security regulations, both today, and tomorrow.

Contact one of our representatives today and get set up in minutes!